Newborn Photography - Isaac
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29 March 2023
By sandra lee photography

Just love meeting all the new babies of Mansfield - a few weeks ago I had the pleasure of photographing little Isaac and his parents.  Thank you Carly and Ryan for bringing your beautiful baby boy in for his photos.

I love nothing more than photographing parents (and siblings) with their newborn. Getting out of the house with a newborn can be difficult and the thought of finding something to wear and putting on a bit of makeup can be daunting but I assure you, it will be worth it! The connection, the love and the wonder of creating a beautiful little human will be one you want to document and cherish for years to come.

A little before and after.

Safety is paramount at a newborn session and at such a young age babies have very little head control. This pose requires the assistance of dad just to support the head from falling to the side and a little bit of photoshop magic.  

I can't resist photographing newborns in a teeny tiny bed along with a teeny tiny teddy (or lamb, or bunny)

I'm drawn to bold colours for my newborn sessions but also love seeing newborns whites and creams - it's simplicity is classic and timeless. 

To find out more about my newborn session please visit the link below

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