Victoria Police - Head to Head Wangaratta
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24 October 2018
By sandra lee photography

After 23 days and 1,000km walking from opposite ends of Victoria, Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton and The Police Association Secretary Wayne Gatt finished their walk yesterday coming together in Wangaratta at the King George Gardens.

The walk was primarily to increase awareness of and to raise funds for police veterans who are suffering from mental health issues. Stopping at police stations and participating in community events along the way they on the walk by numerous current serving members and police veterans.  At the conclusion of the walk funds raised exceeded the target of $500,000.

As a veteran of 20 years service with a son who is now a member of Victoria Police, I have seen and experienced first hand the impact of mental health issues affecting emergency service members. To see our Chief Commissioner make such a public show of support and to commit to 23 days in a busy calendar was heartening and I'm very grateful that many police veterans will hopefully receive the support that they have needed for so long.