Zoe's Christening at Greek Orthodox Church Templestowe
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09 April 2019
By sandra lee photography

It was my absolute pleasure to be able to photograph Zoe's Christening at the St Haralambous Greek Orthodox Church in Templestowe. 

Zoe's parents chose to have family portraits at home prior to the Christening.  As I arrived little Zoe was just waking from her nap which gave me a chance to photograph some of the Christening details.  

A Christening is a big day for everyone involved and children are often very tired by the time the service finishes.  It's always an option to have photos at home in Christening attire when your child is well rested and comfortable in their environment. 

Sophie had set up the most amazing flower wall in the lounge.  What a great idea!  A quick trip back to the car for some portable studio lighting and we had the perfect environment for some formal photos.

The service was held at the St Haralambous Greek Orthodox Church in Templestowe.

Little Zoe was so mesmerised by what the Priest was saying and I just love her parents reaction. 

Joe and Sophie - thank you so much for entrusting me with Zoe's Christening photos.


If you would are interested in having Sandra Lee photograph your child's Christening please follow the link below for more information regarding our collections and pricing.